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Portrait: Bérénice Tigaud

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Berenice Tigaud,  European and International Business Law, Paris-Dauphine University (M240). 


Where did you study in France?

What are the full titles of your License 3 and Master 1?
Law degree - private law specialization
Master 1 International Law

What is the full title of your post-Double Degree training?
M240 - European and International Business Law, Paris-Dauphine University

Why did you choose this training?
The master 240 allows me to specialize in European and international business law, a field of law that has always attracted me, in an international universe and a renowned university in the field of business law. It is also a professional training which allows me to get closer to my professional project, since the students must complete an internship of several months and participate in various prestigious "Moot courts", in arbitration for example.

Was the Double-Diploma useful to you in obtaining your choice? Why ?
The double degree was undoubtedly useful to me, first of all because I chose to continue my studies while keeping the international perspective offered by the double degree; secondly because it makes it possible to stand out from other students and finally since the double degree gives an ability to adapt, particularly in working methods.

What are your professional projects?
I do not yet have a defined professional project, but I plan to work in the future in the field of international trade and business.

What advice (s) would you give to double degree students as part of their post-double degree research?
The main advice is to get organized as early as possible, in particular in the search for courses that could interest them, and in the dates of applications. Indeed, the application period arrives very quickly, especially for courses abroad, for which passing certain language tests is sometimes necessary. You must also apply for several different training courses.

Graduate, and then what?

This portrait is part of the "Graduate, and then what?" Series, a project of the Association aimed at  create a “portfolio” of post-double-degree opportunities using a questionnaire circulated to the graduating class (2013-2017). Thanks to the latter, we wish to demonstrate the diversity of the double-degree opportunities in order, among other things, to promote training among high school students and employers, as well as to be able to help double-degree students in their academic choices and professionals. See our article “ Graduate, and then what? ” For the results of our survey. 

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