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Portrait: Charlotte Carr

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Charlotte Carr, Master of Arts (MA), Medical Law, King's College London


Where did you study in France?

What are the full titles of your License 3 and Master 1?
Law degree - private law specialization
Master 1 Criminal law and criminal sciences

What is the full title of your post-Double Degree training?
Medical Law (MA), King's College London

Why did you choose this training?
I chose this training because it allows me to combine science and law. In addition, I wanted training in English with very interesting courses and King's College London having a good reputation, especially in the medical field, seemed to me to be the right choice.
Was the Double-Diploma useful to you in obtaining your choice? Why ?

Yes, I think it gives you an advantage over other candidates for the same master's degree and it shows a certain adaptability and knowledge of several languages, which is always advantageous. Personally, KCL is one of the few universities that also offers a double degree in French-English law, so I think the university recognizes the difficulty of this degree.

What are your professional projects?
At the moment, I am undecided.

What advice (s) would you give to double degree students as part of their post-double degree research?
I would advise starting the research early enough because the application dates vary according to the masters. I would also advise, when given the opportunity, to discuss with professionals.

Graduate, and then what?

This portrait is part of the "Graduate, and then what?" Series, a project of the Association aimed at  create a “portfolio” of post-double-degree opportunities using a questionnaire circulated to the graduating class (2013-2017). Thanks to the latter, we wish to demonstrate the diversity of the double-degree opportunities in order, among other things, to promote training among high school students and employers, as well as to be able to help double-degree students in their academic choices and professionals. See our article “ Graduate, and then what? ” For the results of our survey. 

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